Balanced Eating Special Sessions

JOIN US for our next Balanced Eating Special Virtual Session on Tuesday, June 4th at 7:00pm!

What is a Balanced Eating Special Session?

Learn how to balance your plate with fueling carbohydrates, high quality proteins and nourishing fats. Build your plate one macronutrient at a time. We will teach you how! We recommend that all of our new patients attend one of our Balanced Eating Special Sessions within the first month of their initial medical nutrition therapy appointments. This will give you an added advantage as you embark on your wellness journey with RINT. Meet other members of the team and ask our health coach and registered dietitian your questions! You can attend as many of these sessions as you would like when you need a refresher!

What Does a Balanced Eating Special Session Include?

  • A review of what RINT has to offer to help you reach your wellness goals

  • A tutorial of Healthie's tools for success, including the food and exercise journal, goal setting and secure communication tools

  • A tutorial of Living Plate Meal Planner and how to utilize this meal planning tool to find healthy and delicious dietitian-approved recipes and meal plans

  • An educational session on our Balanced Eating Guide and how to "eat healthy for life" (and never diet)

When are the Balanced Eating Special Sessions?

  • The Balanced Eating Special Sessions are offered one time every month. We will give you the dates in advance

  • You only need to attend once, but you can always attend again if you need a refresher or have questions for a registered dietitian or health coach

  • Each special session is virtual and led by a registered dietitian and health coach

  • Sessions are 45 minutes in length, however you are free to stay on for additional 15 minutes for questions and more personalized advice

What is the cost to attend a Balanced Eating Special Session?

  • There is no cost to you. We bill your health insurance, just like we would your medical nutrition therapy appointments. If your health insurance doesn’t cover it, IT’S ON US! That is our definition of health equity: everyone deserves equal access to health information which can improve their health and life!