NEW! Comprehensive Candida + IBS Profile

from $350.00

This comprehensive test by Vibrant Wellness combines the Fungal Antibodies Test and IBSSure, allowing you to identify the presence of Candida overgrowth, antibody levels associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and autoimmune-related alterations in intestinal motility. 

Fungal and bacterial overgrowth can lead to a range of health issues and harm gut microbiomes. With the Candida + IBS Profile, you can now quickly and easily identify overgrowths and help your patients get to the root of their symptoms.

Patients with the following symptoms may benefit from the Candida + IBS Profile

• Cramping and abdominal pain
• Digestive issues
• Unintentional weight loss/gain
• Nutritional deficiencies and malabsorption
• Dietary intolerance to certain carbohydrates, fibers, and alternative sweeteners
• Mental acuity symptoms including brain fog, fatigue, and anxiety
• Skin conditions: Acne, itching dermatitis  

This upgraded test equips you with a more powerful tool to provide better care and discover the underlying causes of patient health issues. 

Add on a 30-minute consultation with one of our Registered Dietitians to review your results and answer any questions that you might have for only $50.00 more!

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Our proprietary technology detects:  

  • Two different blood-based antibodies to differentiate between IBD and IBS subtypes, IBS-D (IBS-diarrhea) and IBS-M (IBS-mixed type)

  • Anti-CdtB antibodies to detect past cases of food poisoning 

  • Vinculin antibodies to rule out the presence of IBD in autoimmune-related gastrointestinal motility disorders

  • And antibodies to 10 common fungal variants

Environmental Toxins
Mental Health Panel
AD(H)D Panel
Urinary Hormones and Metabolites